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Monday, January 08, 2007

The final Macworld Rumors, Beatles and more

From wired comments:

"From a very reliable source from Apple EMEA, the rep confirmed me that the iphone or imobile will be shown @ macworld. Two versions, one personal and a pro version.

He also told me that the touchscreen ipod will be shown as well and the desciption is exactely the same that the last patent filing of the touchscreen ipod, with the touching borders.

The imobile will be available the same dayin the US, in europe later in january and the first week of february in North africa."
Oh, and a quick guess about:
1. Why it's 1/2 hour longer
2. Why there is extra A/V equipment
3. Why Jobs has invited friends, assuming it's not to announce retirement:

A: Live musical performance tied into a special branding version of the iPod, ala the U2 black one from a few years ago. This time, maybe the Beatles iPod, with Sir Paul McCartney and maybe Ringo performing onstage in concert with a Beatles edition iPod that's providing Mr. Harrison and Lennon.

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