Playing with the Divine
Free Ipod Conga Line

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1. Mark (completed)
2. Al Saad (completed)
3. Jamie (completed)
4. Devin (completed)
5. Wrinehart (completed)
7. Lexi (completed)
8. James (completed)
9. Peter sign up
10. Your name here

Details on how get a free ipod, and links to actual received ipods
Pictures of received Apple iPod

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Apple iPod: One Giant Leap for Advertising -

Perhaps this is what Apple will announce on April 1st since their products and related services may not be ready. Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs won the rights to an abandoned mine in Australia during a poker game. For two years this "ad" has been in construction and is the size of 8 soccer fields.


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